GAMA rulez! |
The AAT dome. |
The view from the AAT's catwalk. |
Clear skies. |
The AAT... |
...again... |
...and again. |
The top end with 2dF. |
One of the plates with the fibre positioner robot. |
A configured plate. |
...again. |
A plate being reconfigured. |
It's still going. |
Some parked fibres. |
The robot doing its thing. |
The gripper in action. |
A movie of 2dF tumbling and the robot in action. |
The old gripper. |
A fibre button stuck to an allen key. One can see the prism,
button and fibre going off to the right. |
AAOmega in the Coudé room. |
The dichroic and gratings of the two arms. |
A VPH grating. |